Municipalities face ever-increasing pressure to provide public services with greater reliability, safety, and affordability. They are also under constant pressure to modify services to match changing demands. Many of these services are delivered using aging infrastructure systems or public works such as roads, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, and water mains.
Smart, sustainable and effective public works are essential to the existing local economy and supporting economic growth. MG2A serves municipalities by applying recent developments in information technology and control systems principals to provide solutions for smarter public works planning, design, operation and control, and funding. Our goal is to move our clients forward towards infrastructure systems that meet the following standards:
- Provides the desired level of service
- Has a predictable life cycle
- Trending to increased safety, efficiency and reliability
- Supports policy and planning objectives
- Uses Real-time information base and feedback
- Progressing to sustainable funding, environmental and O&M practices
Working toward these goals helps community’s better meet the challenge of upgrading aging infrastructure and building more resilient systems. Resilient systems position them to support their citizens and beneficial growth.
Much of the research and developed practices for Urban Systems Engineering are for large scale communities with a population of 200,000 or more. MG2A is studying how that research and those practices’ best serve smaller communities ranging in population from 3,000 to 30,000.